Living in suburbia has its conveniences but it also has its annoyances, especially when it comes to progress. In the years that I have lived here there’s been a patch of woods behind my property that has made me feel secluded even though on the other side, only a few hundred feet away there was hustle and bustle. I always knew something could go on the property that was the woods, it was a matter of when.

Disruption of the Norm
Like I talked about on the Garage Dream page I always wanted a garage but the idea of disturbing the view of the patch of woods kept me from doing anything. It’s relaxing staring off into the trees on a slow weekend. But like I said about development of that patch of woods was a matter of when. That “when” arrived and all of sudden a moment of garage inspiration arrived.

I wasn’t happy about the new development of that property, I was especially unhappy when the heavy equipment rolled in and started removing trees. Suddenly the woods were gone and I felt very exposed but I didn’t hold a grudge, especially since I really had no say in what is done with a property I didn’t own.

Indoor Self Storage
It amazes me that self storage facilities are popping up everywhere and deep inside I think I’d love to have a remote place to keep some of my stuff, but then I also wouldn’t want to pay for it. I’m sure there is many reasons to pay for storage and it’s your business. Why is this being discussed on a site about building a garage? Well this is what’s coming to take over the coveted patch of woods. This kind of business being a neighbor to me isn’t really a bad thing to me. It’s likely to be very quiet since people come and go from these places infrequently. The main entrance is not near me so I may never even see anyone.

For about a year my neighbors and I knew it was coming when it was approved by the township so all of the us started watching for signs of activity and eventually the day came. This facility was going to be all indoor, climate controlled storage containing about 900 units and would be three stories tall. This massive building would forever alter the view. I’m not going to document the evolution of the storage facility but here’s a few pics for those interested.

Inspiration of making my own view
Since the woods are going away, why not block the view of that large storage building with my own building? Hey, there’s that garage inspiration again, a garage would very much block that view and who wouldn’t want to look at their own garage instead of someone else’s commercial building. The days of planning a new garage were underway. The next steps were making a plan.