I may not have imagined that the day of the construction materials delivery would have been as interesting. Sure I was excited for the materials to finally arrive but watching how they were able to squeeze large pieces of the garage through a small space made me feel a bit like a little kid.
This tractor trailer rolled up to my small residential street and I quickly had a moment of panic wondering how they would get all that stuff to the back of my property. There is no access from the rear so it would have to squeeze between the houses – in like 20 feet.

Princeton PiggyBack
A Princeton Piggy Back is a forklift attaches to the back of a trailer and can move in nearly any direction. All 4 wheels can rotated to allow forward-reverse and side to side movement. This thing easily picked up the roof trusses and carried them sideways between the houses.

The rest of the materials included in the stack of lumber was the posts, various 2x’s and post protectors. All of the roof and wall metal was delivered as well as the wrap and roof bubble insulation. There was also the concrete pucks for the bottom of the holes and a box of lots of screws.

My Grass!
Through this whole project I attempted to save the grass as much as possible. Luckily it was very dry so nothing sank in and nothing sat for too long in one place. I knew that there was going to be much landscaping to be done afterward but I was thinking ahead.
Looking at the pile of lumber it didn’t seem like enough stuff to build an entire building. However, watching the workers make smart use of the lumber they didn’t really need to bring any additional material in. I was impressed with a 20 foot 2×4 – never saw one of those before.

Now that the materials delivery was complete the build could begin – check out The Build